Game and Sound Designer, creator of art, musician, and programming cowboy.

I am a passionate sound and game designer, with a strong interest in the relationship between video games and sound design; how sound affects the players perception of mood, abilities and surroundings.

My combination of study activities and work experience gives me a unique profile, combining knowledge about sound design, theory and production with video game mechanics, loops and theory, drizzled with lawless programming skills and a love for spreadsheets for a crazy swiss-army-knife recipe that would make any fusion kitchen appear monocultural.

When I’m not busy making games, music or other work projects, I play a lot of games, both digital and physical, from Destiny 2 to Magic the Gathering.


Ableton Live, Avid Pro Tools, Reaper, Sound Forge, Max/MSP/Jitter, FMOD, Wwise, Unity, Arduino, Microsoft Office, Adobe Suite, Visual Studio